How To Do On Page SEO

One of the most important things that you can do for SEO and online marketing is to look at your on page SEO. It is one of the key components of any successful SEO campaign, and it requires quite a bit of attention to details. But we are getting ahead of ourselves – the biggest problem with on page SEO is that no one really knows how to do on page SEO. That’s over! It isn’t something that you can skip over, and it isn’t something that you can just do by the seat of your pants. Instead, you have to do it with purpose.

Here are some tips on how to do on page SEO:

What We Assume You Know Before Doing On Page SEO

Before even starting on page SEO, there is an assumption that you know which keywords you want to target. To do this, you should perform some keyword research and get keywords that you want to use for your on-page SEO needs.

If you don’t know how to choose your keywords, there are plenty of ways to go about it – and tons of information online.

Optimize Title Tags

The first thing you should do is optimize your title tags- one of the most important parts of on page SEO since it started. They will help determine how your website performs. In order to make them work for you, your title tags absolutely have to be descriptive, unique, and creative – don’t do something boring. Of course, they need to have your targeted keywords as well.

Avoid using the same words repeatedly, as this can reflect badly on your website. You want to diversify your opportunities to connect with people – which will also help to keep your website fresh. There are many different formulas that you can follow with your title tags, and a lot of it comes down to what you prefer and what you think.

Of course, you want to use some vivid characters, like:

  • ~
  • |
  • \
  • *
  • #
  • [ ]
  • { }

Some things you want to avoid:

  • All caps
  • Default title tags (Home, About Us, Products)

Most importantly, you want to put the unique keyword that you are targeting for first and you don’t want to overstuff your title tags. Google will be able to tell what you are doing and may punish you for that. Remember that you have to keep within a certain character limit. You want to check and come up with a system so that you are always within the limit. If you don’t, you could be putting in all of this work and your efforts will be hidden and will look sloppy. Cut off title tags might do the exact opposite of what you want them to do. Another thing to keep in mind? Desktop snippets are limited by pixel width, but mobile display options tend to be a bit longer.

Some people believe that meta descriptions don’t really have any impact on on page SEO, they do serve the purpose of helping people determine whether or not they will click on your link to visit your website. This will impact your click through rate and can actually sell you to the potential customer. Do not overlook this!

Use Schema Markup or Structure Data Markup

Almost one-third of Google SERPs will use rich snippets that have been supported by the schema. However, research also shows that very few websites are actually taking advantage of this.

What is schema markup? JSA interactive – a local Harrisburg SEO company can think of it as extra labels on information that tells Google exactly what your content means. For example, if you are selling blue Nike tennis shoes, Google will display blue Nike tennis shoes in a SERP entry. However, if you use the right schema around that term, you will be able to tell Google (without actually telling them) that your article is about blue Nike tennis shoes, not that you simply mention that in a sea of other words – which is a tactic that has worked for some people in the past.

Of course, this will make a massive difference not only in the amount of traffic that comes to your website; it will impact the number of people that are valuable leads that will come to your website. This will particularly help on mobile websites, which of course is what you want to build for at this moment in time anyway.

Everything will be organized in an effective way – which is just another bonus for you. Using schema tags will help you to identify the different types of information, including events, reviews, articles, movies, local businesses, products, software applications, and restaurants. Of course, you can also do this in HTML emails as well, which is something that you ought to do.

Create (And Keep Updated) A Search Engine Sitemap

A sitemap is a tool that shows search engines about the organization of your site’s content – and in turn, pushes you to have organization. It enables Google to read the file and can more intelligently crawl your content – a courtesy to them and one that will pay off in the end. It helps to make your website’s content more readily available for ranking on search engine results pages.

Sitemaps also have a tendency to provide metadata about pages – such as how often you make changes, when those changes were last made, and if you have interconnected pages that relate to other pages on your website. Once again, this will help you to keep track of your information as well.

Notice how Google has done that? With on page SEO, they are helping you to make your website stronger and better while helping themselves at the same time. You don’t find that with all of the different ways to impact your SEO.

Still, it will always benefit you to have effective, creative content on your pages.

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